飘英文读后感 飘英文读后感1000字通用7篇

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下面是小编给你整理的关于飘英文读后感,希望 飘英文读后感1000字通用7篇的内容对你有用!




  I felt that I was deeply fascinated by it soon after I had read it.

  I first read it in a summer. I did not finish it at a single sitting. However, the moment I finished it, near midnight in a sweltering August day, with my body poured with sweat, held my breath to turn the last page over, shut the book and hea一ved a sigh of relief, I just could not express how I felt. All were over: trouble was over; lives were over; hopes were over. I was shocked how such a small book could contain such a complicated story. Never were wars, diseases and starvation ever nakedly exposed to me like this. The turns in plots were surprising but natural.

  It was a tragedy: Just as its name suggested, everything was gone with the wind, including families touch, friends support, sweethearts gaze and youth with vigour. The story reminds us of valuing all we were possessing. A life lasts for a short time and anything in it lasts shorter. We always lose something unconsciously and then feel regretful when we need them later.

  Characters in the story were so vivid as if they had been going to jump out of the story, as if they had been existed in the real life at first.

  “Land is the only thing in the world that amounts to anything, for ‘this the only thing in this world that lasts, and dont you be forgetting it this the only thing worth working for, worth fighting for——worth dying for.” Said Gerald, an Irish man who loved his soil more than his own life, let us know that life can be born out of land.

  “But Scarlett, did it ever occur to you that even the most deathless love could wear out? Mine wore out, against Ashley Wilkes and your insane obstinacy that makes you hold on like a bulldog to anything you think about.”

  “Scarlett, I was never one to patient pick up broken fragment glue them together and tell myself that the mended whole was as good as new. What is broken is broken——and Id rather remember it as it was at its best than mend it and see the broken places as long as I lived.” Said Rett Butler, a man who love Scalett as much as a man can love a woman. Loving her for years before he finally got her, he loved her crazily but did not let her know it for fear of being hurt. But at last he still could not escape from hurts. “My dear, I dont give a damn.” Look, he did not care about it at all. He was a man who disguised himself so much.

  “I mustnt bawl; I mustnt beg. I mustnt do anything risk his contempt. He must respect me even——even if he doesnt love me.”

  “Ill think of it all tomorrow, at Tara. I can stand it then. Tomorrow, Ill think some way to get him back. After all, tomorrow is another day.”

  Said Scalett Ohara, the most wonderful woman Ive ever seen. She was hard and greedy and unscrupulous, a bra一ve, frightened, bull-headed child. Though she only thought about how to attract mans attention and did not do anything useful before the war, she did surprise me when I read about her doings after the war. At that time, her Tara was just reduced to ashes. Everyone sketched out their hands and asked her for food. She bra一vely faced the reality and rebuilt Tara with her own hands. What a tough woman, I thought. Though those she loved were all gone, she was still full of hope. When Rett didnt love her anymore and wanted to lea一ve her, she said “I mustnt bawl… even if he doesnt love me.” A womans dignity could be seen from what she ha一ve said and done. Thats why I appreciate her.

  This novel ga一ve me too much to think about and I can not fully express myself in English. It is true that reading an origin is more vivid than the translated ones. However, my English level limits me to understand the origin well without the translated. But I will work hard in order to understand better.

  The novel is my treasure, forever, because I find myself in Scarlett and find the world I live in inside the story.

  Thats really an excellent novel, with an ending from which you can see hope rising from despair.


  Recently,I have just finished reading a famous novel written by Margaret mitchellGone with the Wind,which is one of the most popular works among American novels.It took the auther about 10 years to finish this great novel,the only novel in her life.

  The story happened during the Civil War eve.Scarlett O"Hara,a 16-year-old girl,who was living in Tala manor in Georgia,was loving her neighbor Ashley Wilkes.However,after the war have broken out, Ashley Wilkes married his yonger cousin Melanie. Scarlett was so angry that she decided to marry a man she didnt really love---- Charles Hamilton.Not long after that, Charles Hamilton joined the Army and died of illness in the war.So Scarlett had to act as a widow.Afterwards,at a donating dance party,Scarlett is acquainted with a captain named Rhett Butler. Then the flames of war approached Atlanta.Everyone was busy leaving away from the war.Scarlett managed to escape from Atlanta with the help of captain Rhett.Having come back to Tala manor,Scarlett made up her mind to rally her homeland at any cost when she saw that the former manor had been ruined.Later,her second husband died in the fight,she was a widow again.Durling that time, Rhett had been loving Scarlett sincerely and warmly.Seeing that Rhett could help her rally the manor,Scarlett married him.Although Rhett had similar characteristic attracting her,Scarlett still loved Ashley.Later,their only daughter died accidently,Rhett left Scarlett sorrowly.And then Scarlett realized that Rhett was the only one who could fall in love with her.

  The novel takes the US Civil War as the background.It takes Scarletts individual activity as the thread.The book show us a tragic love story .A couple who could have a perfect future,but finnally go in opposite direction.As a matter of fact,their charactristics have decided their tragic result inevitably.We feel sorry about the end because we are looking forward to a perfect end,just like Scarlett and Rhett.In fact,ferfect is always a excessive damand.

  I affirm Rhett.He brings excitement to Scarletts life and encourages her impulse to change and succeed.Like Scarlett,he goes after what he wants and refuses to take ‘no for an answer.He is humorous,intelligent and cynical with a hint of treason.He is really a respectable man.I think he finnally left because of love .Otherwise,he couldnt have gone without hesitation.

  Ashley Wilkes is the foil to Rhetts dark, realistic opportunism.If there was no Civil War,he is surely a nobility of grace and charm.But history cannot be changed.He bocame a victim of the war.His era was gone with the defeat of the war.At the same time,we cannot deny the fact that he had a chear understanding about reality,which just contribute to his tragedy.

  In this book,what I appreciate most is not Melanieskindness or Rheets dedication and patience,but Scarletts courage to throw her long-standing morality and tradition whe faced with diffiiculties.At the beginning of the war,she didnt care about this.In her world are endless dinner parties and dance parties.In her body are her fathers brave Irish blood and her mothers noble French pure blood.She had a vast farm as her home.She had hundreds of slaves.This is Scarlett.,a member of noblity,proud and different.However,the war changed everything.Her mother died of illness.Her father become silent and the farm was nearly deserted.Even food became a big problem.All the pressure was put on Scarletts shoulder.She must feed a family of 9 people in it.What a big difference of level.If all this happened to someone else,he or she may choose to escape.On the contrary,Scarlett choose to face the change of life bravely.How can we not admire her courage of to change herself.Life is like a mountain.The road cant be completely smooth.When we fall down from the peak,we may get hert ,we may get disappointed,we may feel despair.But if you want to survive,you must stand up to face it.

  It is obvious that 《Gone with the wind》 is really a good book,even if a long time has passed away,it is still suitable for todays society.It is of great importance to change ourselves,change our value even our thoughts when our life chages.

  On the other hand,I think there is no real perfect in the world.Everybody has his shortcomings.It is necessary for us to learn to forgive others faults.If we keep good-tempered,Ibelieve there will be more comedy and less tragedy.


  This "gone with the wind" is Liu Ke yu "gone with the wind" to my side, look at it more than 1000 pages thick stack I was afraid, I was also stared her one eye, what is bad "gone with the wind", "gone with the wind" this so thick "gone with the wind", which have the confidence which I have the patience after watching it! So this "gone with the wind" is put on the bed by me, every day is pure accompany me to fall asleep. Until recently, I had been sick at home and had read all the magazines and had no books to read. It occurred to me that the "gone with the wind", which had been dropped by me in the cold palace, had turned over a few pages, but I didnt realize that it would not be taken until I had spent three days watching it.

  The theme of "gone with the wind" is a lot of ideas, writing about the fate of the beautiful people in the world, and writing about the American southern culture that has died away. The protagonists thoughts and emotions are deeply influenced by the American civil war. The war changed women, who guarded their land in the flames of war and smoke. They were brave, strong and unyielding, because "Tomorrow, is, an, otherday".

  If reading "living" makes me feel depressed, reading "gone with the wind" makes me feel more angry and sad.

  Angry at the heroine scarletts mean, cruel, and even sinister. In the past, the heroine is either warm and virtuous, tolerant or pure and kind, loyal, or hard to find true love. No, not long after the novel began, scarlett was seducing Melanies younger brother at the engagement party of ASHLEY and Melanie. Soon they were married and had a son, and I was so angry that the image of the heroine was gone. Her pride, greed, vanity, in order to achieve the end unscrupulous means, in the later plot of a show. She longed for love, and courageously pursued her love, regardless of all worldly notions. But when it comes to conflicts of interest and reality, she puts economic needs first. For 300 pieces of Junes rent to rhett cheat money be found after failed, and repeated seduce even her sisters fiance dry old man fry, just because the withered old man have a small timber, able to provide her 300 yuan.

  I dare not comment on the good and evil of life, because, after all, I am less than a third of the way of life. In my twenties, the idea may be naive. To be fair, I also felt a little sympathetic to scarlett, for the "selfish drilling" of her "unscrupulous means", perhaps those of which she had been forced to do so, to survive. Quietly think about is, however, the protagonist in the turbulent era of change, a weak woman couldnt feed a family, a bunch of friends would not father in June. By means of a variety of cruel means, she changed her new life and became a new student of her friends family by means of "cruel means".

  On the other hand, scarletts treatment of Melanie was wonderful and caring. It may have been love for his love, but not at all. It was a miracle that these two women were completely different and had a lifetime of friendship.

  Although gone with the wind is just a novel, but by reading "gone with the wind", I also have a better understanding of the American civil war. Judging from the historical perspective, the northern victory over the south is a historical progress and a necessity of social development. But by reading "gone with the wind", we can see from the point of moral judgment, there is kindness to be found in the southern slavery also have feelings, the north to the south to some extent is also a kind of aggression of the war, destroyed the order of the south and relationships, in some ways it intensified the ethnic conflict in black and white.

  After reading the whole book, I also picked out two of my favorite words:

  "Beauty does not make a man noble, nor is his dress respectable." - warn vain people.

  "Ive never been a man like that, and I cant pick up some pieces of debris, stick them together, and then say to myself that the repaired thing is the same as the new one. Its broken -- its broken -- Id rather remember what its like when its best, and dont want to fix it, and then look at the broken places for a lifetime."

  A quick skimming, and not the amount of truth, perhaps, when I read a few more times, will have more harvest.


  My friend recommended gone with the wind a long time ago, and this time I have the chance to finish it slowly. Maybe it wont be too profound to read it, but its a big one.

  The American writer Margaret Mitchells novel gone with the wind has been popular with readers around the world since it was first published in 1936, and I think there are many reasons for it. First, character between the characters in the novel attracted countless eyeball, brave strong scarlett, rhetts wit decisively, mei laney velvet glove, ASHLEYs gentle a likable guy. In addition, the story of the ups and downs of the novel is also immersive and addictive.

  Lets talk about the most impressionable scarlett.

  Scarlett is a big contradiction, she is not perfect, but it is admirable. Scarlett, the remarkable character born in the turbulent years of the United States, her excellent personality radiates infinite light. She is brave, strong, optimistic, hard to live and never give in. She was very quick and smart, and a bit of her obsession with love, though I didnt quite agree with it. It is she that give the obstinate in his bones, hardworking spirit let her become the business and in life, in continuously hone grow up to be a strong woman. "Tomorrow, is, another, day" is the motto of scarlett. No matter what she meets, she is always full of hope, full of fight, never give up, never despair. This spirit is most worthy of my study. Yes, today is going to pass, no matter what result, or any pain, all belong to the past. And tomorrow is another day! only by treating each tomorrow as a new starting point, it is wise to strive for the attainment of your goals.

  In addition, I also have a certain revelation about the relationship, scarlett has fallen in love with two men in her life, but she finally knows whom to love, and he is too blind and persistent. When we think we fall in love with other people, we may just be attracted to him for a moment, but we are blindly persistent, and finally we find that the person we fell in love with is gone. We need to figure out what we feel about a person, rather than blindly, and end up with nothing.

  At the end of the sentence, no explanation.

  "Beauty does not make a man noble, nor is his dress respectable."


  Well, since the same table has repeatedly emphasized that this is a romantic novel, it is important to look at the characters without the heavy sociality of the novel. Change the Angle, see the heart.

  The ancients summed it up well, greed, anger, and delusion. It is a reflection of scarletts life that she is so greedy and so stupid that she is so cold and so unfunny.

  Scarlett loved ASHLEY, but she didnt love ASHLEY. With the original words, is "just as she likes a dress, when she saw ASHLEY, give him put on this dress, and then fell in love with him, from beginning to end, scarlett is her fantasy of love that handsome, gentle, knowledgeable ASHLEY, rather than the reality of weak selfish ASHLEY, but she is a persistent tenacity, even if ASHLEY had married Melanie, even though she has been married three times, had love rhett, she had three children, she still with fantasy, hope I can be with ASHLEY. Like a child, clinging to want to get the stars, but got, what can do? When Melanie is dead, she had a chance to get ASHLEY, she woke up again, ability and political integrity is her favorite, she also love rhett, but always self-deception add rhett good continue to have a crush on imaginary ASHLEY. I went back to confess to rhett, but I was rejected. Its too late.

  There is always some people, see others pay as granted, what is not only that, but want to come back to complain you pay enough, for the former, sometimes too close to turn a blind eye may not be wrong, but to lift themselves on moral tower, looks down on others pay, pay the disdain of criticism, but dont look at yourself, what is the position is wrong dont even know it.

  Scarlett was obsessed, almost mad. I remembered aunt xiao xiao. Like his name, he is desolate and desolate. Also love crazy, and bone flute personality more strident, see love empathy (or married to someone else) bone flute do is to let people off lovers face changed into pig skin, and make his life he can only hide forest, in order to revenge. And scarletts revenge was to marry ASHLEYs wifes brother. (the sweat... Plot of the book is a little dog blood, to be honest, despite the civil war, slavery and racial discrimination these heavy topics, in terms of plot, a lot of plot looks like a modern network dog blood romantic) different character makes a different path. Emotions, but different ways of expression, may be the cause of thousands of people... Because of the love of love and self-delusion, I cant see clearly that I cant see other people, but the object of this mentality is other, such as faith, like dream, not also? The positive side can be persevering, persistent, and unrepentant. Easy to see, easy to understand, even if the bystanders clear, can you listen in? Even if you listen, can you convince yourself to change it? Probably not, most of the time people feel that they are right, doubting that they are always more difficult than doubting others, so they are wrong, and just feel that they are moving towards the end. So to say that good and evil are only in the heart, right and wrong, is formed by the majority of the people. Is there an eternal right or wrong? Who knows?


  People are weird. When I read gone with the wind a dozen years ago, I liked scarlett. Recently, she picked up the old book and reread it, but was deeply attracted by Melanie. Are peoples minds really going to change because of age?

  Which young girl saw "gone with the wind" and didnt like scarlett? Beautiful not to say, clever and stubborn, surrounded by men around. Especially the charming men such as rhett who always follow, spoil, and get too addicted! Also, she has a very strong personality, when among the many boys among the birds to stand among the flock of ASHLEY, finally politely refused her love, in a rage, threw a vase by the hand! This is not the ladylike demeanor of the old aristocracy, but it is in line with the current trend, "savage girlfriend" typical ah! She was at the fund-raiser because the widow was unable to dance and was so desperate that she was so cute! And in the fall of Atlanta, the carriage drove Melanie to tara. Also, the northern deserter barged into tara, raised his gun to kill him, and showed a stubborn determination. New clothes, wearing her mother curtain do stare according to rhett across the pistol from the outside of a foot to see green eyes, lying on his married frank, trying to hold the lumber mill, how cunning! Finally, when rhett had already been deeply disappointed by the fact that he was truly in love with her, rhett had calmly turned her chin up as she decided to leave her. At this time, how much like the flesh and blood has the character of scarlett o hara!

  But now, I dont think so. I noticed that Melanie was sitting quietly on the manor party, her thin little body inconspicuous. At the fundraiser, she took off her wedding ring and donated it to the troops. In Atlanta fell that day, because, in her weak body is on the verge of death struggle, she quietly, I can imagine a weak women, after the labor in the turbulence of the carriage lying in dozens of kilometers how pale face. Can never said to scarlett her pain, and because the refugees and the protagonist gradually built up feelings, make Melanie stand quietly behind the protagonist from the tip to the buzzer, always protect her, to maintain her. When the north came, she dragged her weak body, carrying a heavy knife, ready to help scarlett. Calmly advised to help the northern desertion of scarlett. When all the people in Atlanta refused to go out with scarlett, Melanie insisted. Even when ASHLEY and scarletts secret was discovered in Atlanta, she stood resolutely on scarletts side. And she knew it all the time. At last, when she died, Dr. Meade said to scarlett that she should not repent of her! Always carry a heavy cross! Dont hurt the good woman! But is Melanie just kind? No, it should be great, representing a female image of a traditional character. Tough, reserved, brave, virtuous. If scarlett was a brave, aggressive new woman, Melanie was the most respectable of the old class aristocrats.

  Even now, hundreds of years later, Melanie still has something to admire. We admit that "gone with the wind" is too beautiful for Melanie. Maybe the author is too fond of her. She was portrayed so perfectly that she could hardly find any fault. If there is a weakness, it is not beautiful, but it is a contrast with scarlett. I kept thinking: is Melanie really selfish? At this point, the author is vague. In particular, it was not acceptable to show that it had been known for years that scarlett had been with ASHLEY for years. Is she really that generous? I would rather believe it was her intelligence. She saw everything clearly. In fact, ASHLEY and scarlett had nothing to do with it. She is the wisest thing to do.

  In comparison, scarlett is a real nitwit. He loved ASHLEY for years, and at the end, Melanie went away and found that he didnt love him at all. Rhett is the favorite. And rhett, who had been hurt by her, was disappointed. As rhett said, she wanted ASHLEY. But it was the little girl who wanted a doll, but what was she to do with it? She had married three men, but she never knew men. Shes a little bit of a little boy. Or franks honest old man.

  Open the "gone with the wind", the paper is yellow and crisp. If you are not careful, your fingers will break the paper. Such a book, hold in hand very have time sense. I feel like the book in this hand, one day easy to break, fragile. The contents of the book itself are not broken, and the spirit of the characters is not broken. If there was a soul, I wouldnt break it.


  Reading a good book is enough to benefit you all your life. "Gone with the wind" really helped me get inspired and benefited from the light. It is a novel about war, but Margaret did not focus on the battlefield. In addition to the beautiful and fluent language that people admire, the most successful is the characterization of the characters.

  Among them, the heroine hao sijias love view makes me feel very deep. When I first read gone with the wind, it was a complicated feeling for scarlett. I had to admire her. She hates her for utility and for money. However, she was uncontrollable in her spirit of her own ideals. Her life was colorful, and perhaps her love was not perfect. But no difficulty can knock her down, and she is worthy to learn from all the difficulties. "Tomorrow, another day." Always full of hope, full of will, never give up, never despair. For scarlett, it was like a golden sunrise that would sweep away the black mist that enveloped her. There are so many things that cant be borne. It is not easy to live in any time, during the great depression or at its peak. This sentence applies to every person in the face of difficulties, never bow, never flinch, in a positive manner to meet the challenge. When the world changes, it also needs to change itself to adapt to the world in a timely manner. only those who possess such attitude will be able to stand in the face of difficulties and be called strong. Scarlett was a strong man. She was a very poor man in a very short time, but she was not frightened by the change. When she was helpless and could only hold herself, she resisted all external oppression with her thin shoulders and kept tara. But in love, scarlett was confused. She loved two men in her life, and she didnt know one. If she knew ASHLEY, she would not love him. If she knew rhett, she wouldnt lose him. She had lived up to rhett. Shes just in pursuit of his ideal prince - she thinks is ASHLEY Wilkes, so she made a beautiful coat put on for him, then crazy love him, but in fact, her love is the dress. Another character who had to be mentioned was Melanie, a woman of great resilience in her femininity. As rhett said, she was one of the few expensive ladies he had ever seen. She is strong, she is patriotic, she USES her beloved all the people. She was probably scarletts only confidante, and for more than a decade, Melanie had become an indispensable part of her life.

  Gone with the wind is a love war novel whose background is the conflict between new ideas and old society. And as it turns out, new ideas are what suits new societies. Therefore, under the sunshine of the party, we will surely move forward to a better and happy future!

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